With 30 years of experience in monument preservation, we restore buildings using art historical approaches and make over 150 customers happy every year. As a family-run company, we rely on traditional values. Specializing in the trade in art, furniture and furnishings from mansions, castles and estates from the 14th to 21st centuries. In the 19th century, the Carmine team also restores, upholsters and wallpapers entire objects or individual pieces according to 100-year-old traditions.

Chrigi Wyttenbach
Restorer & photographic reproductions
"Sometimes a new path begins not with discovering something new, but with seeing something familiar with completely different eyes."

Nele Bolli
Workshop boss
Restorer & farm painter
"Sometimes a new path begins not with discovering something new, but with seeing something familiar with completely different eyes."

Daniel Kauer
Electrical installations
"In today's fast-paced world, it's good to have antiques around - with love and dedication, each piece tells us a different story. I like that."

Lars Kauer
Customers & Acquisition
"Beautiful things have always fascinated me, I love having them around me."